Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Law of Attraction 101 part 1 : Making the law work for you

 Most of us have heard of the new hype phrase called the law of attraction, if you have not Yippe! for me because I would love to be one of the first people to explain it to you. If you have heard of it or are reading about it, I will ask you to please read mine, I am hoping to be able to provide some new insight about the law. I feel like there is  a lot of information about the law but it all seems to be the same. I want to give you a clear idea of what it is and how to use it for manifesting good into your own life. I notice a lot of people don't know if they did something right or if what they are trying to manifest will really come to them. I have also seen how other sites are offering special insight into the law where you are able to manifest quicker results. I don't believe there is a better way to produce results, no the biggest thing about the law of attraction is belief. Well there is another big thing about it but I want to explain what the law is first and how it works before I get into all the other stuff.
I am so excited about this post I have been tweaking it for days:) I have decided to turn it into a two part post that way you are not overwhelmed with info.
I figured part 1 would be

~What the law of attraction is
~What is Manifesting
~Setting up perfect manifesting conditions
~ Getting into that good vibe

I think all this is really important. If you are trying to manifest and you are having trouble manifesting you should by the end of this be able to tell where you were going wrong. Or if you are newbie you will have ALL the info you need to start manifesting all of your desire.

Lets Jump in!

As simply as the statement itself is, law of attraction is exactly this, a law that attracts things to you. So what does it attract to you??? EVERYTHING! Yes everything in your entire world is brought to you the law of attraction via your very own beliefs. People your job, your home, your attitude your spouses attitude, your friends, the way you dress.. All these things are brought to you by the law.

 The best way I have heard it explained is like this. You are a magnet ( you really are one:) attracting things to yourself. The things that are attracted to you are determined by your beliefs and thoughts.  The law says that "like" attracts "like". So your thought attracts a like thought. If you find yourself thinking negatively even when you don't want to, it is because of the law of attraction. You had a negative thought maybe this morning and it attracted another one and it will continue to attract more until YOU stop this. If you can consciously observe your thoughts for several days,maybe keep a journal for a few days and record what pops into your head, you will see that you are receiving everything according to your own thoughts and beliefs. Try it sometimes it is kinda crazy, even the really bad stuff that we hate is brought to us by us:) The reason why most people don't make this connection with there thoughts and there reality is because today you are living your thoughts from about 2-3days ago. This is because you are not aware of what is going on so there is no real energy going into it. Unless it is fueled by some a emotion you can speed anything up with an emotion..we will talk more about that later.

 You may also hear this word a lot I have already used it some in this article but I wanted to be sure that we are all on the same page, so if you know what manifesting is skip this part.. or not maybe you will learn something new:) Manifesting is the act of taking a thought and turning into something in our reality. We use the law to bring it to us and the act of manifesting is when it is made into something tangible in our reality.
Manifesting also is when you are consciously stating to the universe your desire and receiving it. For example, you may want to manifest a new car into your world so you would use the law of attraction of bring it to you.

 I want to just for a moment talk about how the law is at work now and has been at work your entire life. I want to show you how it has been working or maybe not working the way you wanted for you and how you can begin to have it work in the way you want it. So when I explained the law I said something about ALL things in your life are brought to you via your beliefs and thoughts, even the bad things. How does this happen? Well believe it or not your brain is kinda on an auto pilot mode. Meaning it is just going, you are not really worried about what goes in and comes and what you are thinking about right now are you. But it changes everything when you know that you are in control and the things you believe and think make up your reality. This part is important because right now in our society we have a major issue with wandering minds, with distractions with daydreaming. All these things and it because we had no idea that we had any control over our minds let alone our realties. Our minds our like an untrained dog getting into everything. To really be successful at manifesting things you want you have to learn to control or I like the word direct your thoughts more. So to explain kinda how your thoughts enter your reality here is an example.

Lets say you wake up each day and go to your job that you have worked at for 5 years. You don't really like your job but you think who does, and it pays the bills so whatever. Your first thoughts are, you are tired and want to stay in bed and really don't want to go to work because you don't like it.

Ok this is all we really need for an example. With this short thought and I think most of us can relate to going to a job we don't like, you created and PERPETUATE this job you don't like as well as having issues waking up in the morning. Well, how many hours of the day are you at your job, how much time durning the week are you at your job. If you work 40 hours a week at a job you hate.That is a lot of time being spent miserable! I know I do not like being miserable and most people don't, but as with most things are in our lives we kinda settle for the being miserable most of the time because we think it is how it is suppose to be.

So you are probably thinking at this point, well the job was crap before I started I hating it, so I didn't create a crappy job I am just stating the obvious. This statement sounds true because of how we believe. We think that the crappy job was there before we said it was crappy. NOPE! You created the crappy job, you believed that you didn't deserve an awesome job so you got exactly what you where believing in. You may not even realize but when you make statements like my job sucks, or I hate getting up in the morning you are just affirming this and making the same thing happen each day for you. This may be a little far fetched for you to believe but I can prove it through this.
Change your thoughts your words do it for a few days and see what happens, that is the best way to find out. Try this, replace some negative phrases you say with a new positive one for example:
I enjoy waking up each day I always feel wonderful in the morning and I love my job it is the best....something along those lines you can change any negative thing you say to something more positive and watch what happens.

   Most of us live our lives constantly trying to keep up with ourselves, we rarely our in the moment. Our minds are always on what will happen in the future because we are worried about what is next. This worry keeps our minds racing and creating the thoughts and the reality that we fear. Do you say things like, " I am always late" and you are always late. Do you say things about others like this person always annoys me or always makes me mad. Do you know that you saying these things are causing that very thing to happen. When you make statements like this you are manifesting those situations and perpetuating it by continuing to talk about it. Did you know that the more you give something attention the more energy you give the situation and therefore keeping it going. Also if there is someone that has upset you and you are constantly talking or thinking about them and how they made you mad you are causing them to have bad thoughts about you. You literally feed the fire with your own thoughts.
So lets take back our mind and therefore lets take back our world! We have over 60,000 thoughts a day so how can we take control of that? The best way to do this is to stay in the moment. When we dwell on things that may happen or things we are worried about we are taking the law and using it against ourselves. Try enjoying each moment, by staying in the moment you are in, enjoy now and when you are enjoying the now you are creating better future nows. So this is the first step to taking your mind back BE IN THE NOW!
Something else that is important is directing your thoughts. You want to think mostly positive thoughts and when we are use to thinking only negative thoughts it can be hard to direct your own thoughts. The best way to have more control over your thoughts is through meditation. Take 15 mins a day and sit and focus only on your breathing. This relaxes your mind, clears and after a while you will notice that your mood is better, your day may go smoother there are so many benefits to meditating. I won't go into them all right now but I will do a post on the benefits of meditating. There is also loads of information on the internet on how to meditate properly.

So now we are working on having a clearer mind and we are aware of thoughts, we are working on being more positive these are all IMPORTANT steps to manifesting your desires.

    You are on the right track now!! You should know what the LOA is , what manifesting is and understand how your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. You are working changing negative thoughts to positive ones to create a happier reality. The next thing we need to do is give off those good vibes. You have heard that statement or maybe one like it. Guess what it is true, we are either giving off good or bad vibes all the time and when you give off bad vibes guess what you attract bad things into your reality. Good vibes are awesome they are what brings us everything we want, they bring other people in a good vibe, they are the stuff miracles are made of. You are already in a better vibe if you are working on changing your negative thoughts into positive this is where we are going to focus. But the actual good vibe would be a good mood. You see, when we manifest something from a bad vibe, it won't really happen it has no chance because it doesn't match the frequency it goes back to like and attracting like. You can't say I feel wonderful, but deep down feel horrible and manifest $2000. You are setting yourself up to fail. But like I said changing those thought are already raising your vibration to higher better frequency but you must keep it up to stay in that good vibe. You can't say I feel great one time and then see a change in how you feel. No because most of us don't really feel this way it may take a few times repeating it, for a few days to bring about. What you are doing is, repeating  the positive new thought so it can go into your subconscious and be turned into a belief. Once it is a belief, bam you are feeling better and not just saying it! Your vibe is good and you are in a place to manifest anything!

   I got that good vibration!! I have that song stuck in my head now:) 

Step 1: when you wake up in the morning as soon as you open your eyes make your first conscious thought one that is positive. Lay in the bed think about how wonderful your day will be and how you love your bed, anything that is just awesome just sit and dwell on it, bask in it for about 5 minutes.  This starts your day off right. 
Before you go to bed each night and drift off to la la land make your last thoughts of the day some that are so positive. Your subconscious will soak this up and make it manifest in your life!!

Step 2: Sometimes during the day we are faced with something that is unexpected and it throws us off and upsets us. These are the times you need to be AWARE. It is so simple to stay on auto pilot and be upset, but to really make a change you need to take back your mind and say, no I choose to not be upset at this. You need to take your situation and see it as something else, something good or if you can't do that this is the next best thing....ignore it. Do not give it attention. I don't mean don't be responsible and do not do it whatever it may be...Maybe it is best if I give an example again.

 Ok I am at work and the day is wonderful, then all the sudden I find out that someone has said something horrible about me. Normally I would, say something horrible back and then go tell everyone about it and tell them what an awful person they are for saying it. NO, NO, NO! With all that you are do not buy into another second of that crap. Instead you acknowledge it and go on with work. The situation will arise to fix the problem and until that moment happens you give NO MORE energy to the situation. When you give thought aka energy to anything you are making it bigger, and bigger. The idea is to not give it energy or ignore it . This takes the power away from the situation. It is a win, win, win. You get to enjoy your day knowing that it is really all good, you know that it will be all taken care of eventually and you don't need to give a second thought to it you are putting yourself in the best vibrational place to manifest! 
Ok I did mention above and I want to explain this, that I said " when the time is right the situation will have a resolution." This means you do not have to dwell and think about, what you will say, or how you will handle it. It means that God/universe will work it out perfect for you and when the time is right you will know what to say or do, etc. I hope that makes sense. This is one of the hardest thing for us as people to do and that is LET GO! But do it, trust me and it will all work out and better than you have ever have imagined.  How many times have you looked for a solution to a problem and looked and looked and you where almost frantic and things kept preventing you from finding the answer or getting something done? This God saying you don't have to worry, I got this. 

Step 3: Be grateful and stay in the moment! When we look into the future we worry because we are afraid of what will happen. But in the moment if we look at what we have or where we are at, there are always many, many things to be grateful for. Stay in the moment as much as you can, at first it may be hard to fight off your wandering mind but it will get easier I promise. Meditating as I said before is a HUGE help for this wandering mind syndrome. 

Step 4: Affirm. Affirm. Affirm. I love affirmations sometimes I walk around my house just saying affirmations if I have nothing better to think of. I like to think of it like this, Instead of letting my mind wander and think of something bad that may happen I will use this time to program my brain to think positively. It is scientifically proven that when something is repeated, it sinks into your subconscious mind and will become part of your regular thought pattern and then turn into your reality. I repeat things like this, I am happy, healthy and energetic. ( I have to have lots of energy durning my day, this is how I keep myself going)  Sometimes I will start my day with this and I may be really sleepy and unmotivated but after saying this for about 10 minutes I feel awesome. You can use  affirmations to manifest as well but we will talk about more in the next post. We are focusing on FEELING good:)

Step 5: STOP TELLING YOURSELF THIS IS HARD! This my number one thing that erks me because I do it and do not like when I make this statement. So because of the LOA when you state that something is hard,,,Guess what?? It's going to be! So quit telling yourself that and replace those words and from this moment on tell yourself , How simple this all is and you are so impressed with how fast you are picking it up. 

So this is part 1 of the law of attraction, I hope I was able to explain this the best for you all to understand. I want so much for people to make positive changes in there life. We need to take back our lives and love them and this is your first step!!
I will post part 2 tomorrow and it will be how to manifest and always get it! you will learn how to know if you are doing it right and any other info to make you the best at manifesting so you can be successful and happy. 

I may be adding to this and also if you have questions, I would love to answer them for you. Also I would love to hear about any changes in your life or if you need some help!! Comment, comment, comment and ask questions I can't wait to hear from you!!

All right everyone keep it real and BE HAPPY AND BLESSED ALWAYS!!

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