Sunday, January 5, 2014

Follow-up to the law of detachment..2 week Manifestation challenge

Hello all I know I wrote about this yesterday, but you know how when you say something to someone and then you then you think of something else you should have said as well, that is kinda what this is :)

Letting go( law of detachment and law of allowing)- is something that is really hard for people to do, but learning to do so can be SO beneficial. Why?

If you let go of your need to control, people and situations, etc, you would release the responsibility that you feel and have towards them. When you are trying to control a situation you are actually working with resistance. When you are in a state of detachment it enviably creates a state of allowing.( which is when the universe does most of it's work, and this how all the universal laws work hand in hand, one creates a chain reaction for another) When you are trying to control a situation you are being pushed into a state of resistance not letting a the natural flow of things happen.

In science it explains that resistance is anything that is pushing...causing the current to not flow correctly or slower or causing friction/hea.

An electric circuit is formed when a conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move.This continuous movement of free electrons through the conductors of a circuit is called a current

Your Thoughts ( current) + Your Body ( conductor)= circuit

Resistance: a material's opposition to the flow of electric current......

I may be jumping out on a limb here but hear me out....So say you have a a perfect flowing closed circuit with no resistance...This would be you are having happy thoughts and loving your life..
But then you hear some bad news and then you start to not feel so great about this thought so what happens to your circuit??
Resistance is the friction in an electrical circuit that controls the flow of current.

What is friction?? HEAT..... What do you feel when you feel upset in your body...heat in your body... Anxiety is described as a heat feeling internally and can make you feel terrible...What is anxiety racing negative thoughts. Is this to much?? Please let me know. 
I have one more thing to throw in here.

Not sure if you all will agree,because I am not sure how much of the bible you read or know about...but Theoretically if the bible is real or just a story...There is a guy named Jesus in this book and he talks about a consuming fire ( I am not talking about the one that people think you go to when we die, he talks everything being right now)???? Ring a bell.  So now we have a an explanation of hell and what it feels feels like negative thoughts or anxiety...and I am going to through this in there for those of you who may have read the bible and are curious...go read this, it is Deuteronomy 28 and it is about the blessings and the curses of God

So negativity is your resistance to your circuit......The law of detachment is allowing things to flow...with out input, with out thought to add or contribute to the already perfect happy/ high vibrational current.....Let it flow!

Allow and detach and you will feel so much better, more will flow into your life naturally and you won't feel the pressure or pain of the resistance. All detachment does is makes it to where you are not anxious about a situation, by holding on to it and trying to control every aspect of it.
Allowing is knowing that change may occur and all will flow for the good of you as long as you don't contribute negativity to the flow.

In all reality, I truly believe one day we will think it and know it will happen and that will be it...all actual effort will cease. We will relax knowing that it is all good:)

Ok I am ready for some input on this one:))

xoxo Love,

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