Saturday, January 11, 2014

Settling is unsettling

I was reading an article from the mind your reality blog and something about blog post got me thinking about how we can create our realities. Yes, we talk about this a lot but, I don't know why this made me realize that, I am still settling for so much crap in my life. If our thoughts become our realities says quantum psychics, we are either creating consciously or unconsciously. Meaning whether we like it or not we are getting what he think and believe.  I realized there where some things in my life that I was still trying to battle outside instead of focusing my attention on what I want, and letting the universe fix it. Some of these battles included people who I had negative feelings towards. I realized today that I put those people there( my thoughts created them) and if we are all one then I am just hating and being negative to myself. Also with in all this I realized (again) the more you focus your attention on something the more energy you feed it and it grows bigger. I heard someone say the other day that our lives are a reflection of our mind and when we look into the mirror if we want the reflection to smile we have to smile first.

My last post was on being conscious and I think this is a key role in our reality creation, we cannot except to create what we want if we can't even be aware. There are so many parts of our days that we do with out thinking because they have become a habit. We have to start at the beginning when we first wake up to be able to set in motion change. This is only because from the moment we wake up we are set into autopilot, the very first thing we do triggers us to do what we do, the rest of the day.

We have control of our entire reality and we do not have to settle for any part we do not like. We don't have to get mad at it and tell it to leave just simply focus on what we want. We also have to quite getting caught up into what is negative because this allows it to fester more and as irresponsible as this sounds, you must learn to ignore it. As bad as it may look and as much attention as it may look like it needs do you think worrying about it will fix it?? No absolutely not.

I will be honest this post was probably mainly for myself, but I am in hopes that it helps someone else as well. They say we teach what we need to hear the most and for me it is true 100% of the time:)

Enjoy the rest of your days! Wake up tomorrow and lets really WAKE UP!


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