How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
What does this quote mean? No I am not going to be talking about the bible, but I do believe the bible is full of truth and knowledge…Why do I not like using the bible so much?? Because it has been turned into a BRAND, a brand for Christianity. Too many opinions and judgements have turned a wonderful book into something fought. But I love this verse and wanted to share it and, thought it appropriate and I would use it.
Being asleep I refer to this auto-pilot that must of us are on in this life. I am not sure if it is a conspiracy or if we have just become mentally lazy…either way that is unimportant at this point. The important part is that we should be AWARE!
I have been on a kick here for the last week with consciousness. Because, I have learned it is the key component in creating our reality…. and the reality is there is no set reality, we are creating reality constantly.
When we are reality creating asleep we are kinda going with whatever comes our way. We have no real direction and we have no confidence in anything. We don't fight for much because if we do and lose it then what is the point. We accept the reality of being poor, sad and miserable is a good thing and some how tote that around gladly with a smile. We condemn everyone because we can't really handle ourselves. Our entire life is a constant battle against a world that was created by our own fears. We truly become our own worst enemy and it is very sad.
con·scious (knshs)adj.1.a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.
sleep 1:a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.
Day by day we wake-up and get out of bed and start our morning routine….I will stop there.
We all have a morning routine, it is something that is rarely deviated from because it is a habit.
hab·it (hbt)n.a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition
( I will stop there for a moment, I said early that I thought the bible was a brand. What is a brand? It is when you see something and atomically relate it to something….kinda like a habit;)
You are probably wondering why I am throwing definitions at you. I wanted you to first see the correlation between the word conscious and sleep, and why the bible and the quote above refers to you being asleep. There is not much difference between being unconscious and being asleep. Both refer to you NOT BEING CONSCIOUS.
So with that being said and back to your now morning habit…and how it refers to you doing it unconsciously. So if I where to ask you if you thought you where awake or asleep when preforming these morning routines, what would you think?
Next lets look at your day( mine to, I am also learning) Do you go to work? Most people do something during the day even if it is not work it is something that is done as a habit. Most the time we are only truly conscious when something rocks our emotions in some way. But other than that some things we have come to except and they fall into the auto pilot mode. I do believe that our relationships turn into habits also. I think this maybe the reason why men/women cheat. They want something that makes them feel alive or awake. That is not really important either and also just a theory.
To wake up we need to find ways to be in each moment of our day. We need to be aware of the thoughts that come into our head and the things that surround us. When we wake up to this we start to notice things that where there the whole time. It is the same concept as with perception, our perception is what we make it and what we know.
Have you ever known someone you thought you really didn't like. Then one day you end up talking with them and find out that they are pretty awesome and end up becoming really good friends. Just because we aren't aware the person is likable doesn't mean that really aren't it just means we where asleep to it.Our judgements are limited and only apply to ourselves and, that is because we have a limited point of view. When you break judgement down this way it really means that you are lacking in information or truth.( and judgement is when you think you know what is best for someone, or better than someone)
So back to being awake. We are programmed to unconsciously unfold each day and then these days turn into our lives. A lot of older people look back and regret not doing something in there lifetime. Over the years they actually do start to wake up and see that there was really nothing to be afraid of, and having tried, would have been better than playing it safe for a lifetime. What waste.
Why is all this so important? Because I struggled for so long manifesting, I would manifest great things and then turn around to another part of my life that was falling apart. I was so confused why is this was happening?
It is because I was only awake partially.
I do understand that these negative things occur to show us where we need to be aware of . It is hard to monitor every single thought, but if you do this for a day or so,as much as you can you will be able to see why things are the way they are in your life.
I had a negative view about my business. It was something that I became totally obviously to. I started to accept that this is just how things where suppose to be and thought I was doomed to an eternity of pissed off customers and fighting paypal:)
I have spent many days thinking and wondering why a customer would get so upset with me, I was so confused? Then I started to realize that I made this situation, because I had also had very lovely nice customers as well. Why did I believe they where like this??
Well because I had one negative incident that I never fixed. I never realized that I attracted and created these outcomes and they kept coming back because I kept believing the same thing unconsciously, I branded my customers! It took me almost a YEAR to figure this out…
You know when something feels like fear, you can feel it. Take a day and consciously go over your thoughts as you move through out your day. See how you feel and react to everything almost like you are an observer to it all. Take no judgements on yourself or others this is for learning purposes. Once you are aware of what you are thinking then you can go into fix mode. You can clear all these negative thoughts and beliefs by introducing positive thoughts. Being conscious is the only way you can do this. That means taking back your mind! Our minds wander very easy because that is what they where programmed to do, but with a little effort a few days things become well, a habit:)
Remeber you are in control of your entire life, everything that is in it you have attracted and it is not a matter of blaming yourself or anyone it is simply changing your thoughts and being aware of your thoughts. BE AWAKE to your life. You might as well be while you are here right!
Tips for staying conscious:
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Intend to be "more conscious"
- Always tell the truth
- Concsciously think/choose/create your decision
- Write new beliefs to repeat to yourself
- practice self control/instead of out of control
- Look for things to always be grateful for
- Be positive
- stop judging
- Bless things that happen/look for the joy in each thing
- Just breath
- Listen more than you talk
I hope you all enjoyed this post, from my soul to yours:))
XOXO~ Shana
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