Behind the law there is a kinda fuel that makes it happen faster or slower this fuel is intention.
What is intention exactly? Defined it says:
in·ten·tion (n-tnshn)1. A course of action that one intends to follow.
So why is it so important to the law and how does it effect the LOA??
Intention is something that you plan on doing with out a doubt and in the law you can have no doubt, so intention is what drives any manifestation that actually is fulfilled.
Here is an example of what intention would be:
You wake up and you sleepily go to the coffee maker and notice there is not a enough for your mornings pot of coffee. You immediately think,
"I can't start my day with out coffee!"
So you grab your keys and a jacket and hat to cover your hair and head off to the closet store to find some sort of coffee.
In intention your thought is that there is no way around doing this, you can not see it happening any other way you make no other plans but this one.
A lot of people think they have this nailed so they state the intention, "I want $5000!" and the over the course of the week there brain starts to say things like I would settle for $1000, or it this doesn't work I will sell something. The intention changes and the doubt creeps in actually creating a new intention.
The moment that REVOKE the intention by stating a new one, the first intention is gone!
I have done this so much with out even noticing. I will use my business as an example again...
When I first started I was so amped and making sales all the time, we where successfully growing with no end in sight. I eventually had something happen, I customer wanted a refund and then the negative thoughts started to flood in. This one incident really brought my business to a halt. I would dwell on this customer and thing no one like's my items I would do this for hours and then I would get so upset to find people stopped buying from me. It was like a switch was shut off. My question is how did others know what was going on in my business to make them stop buying from me?? They didn't know what was going on with my business, but intention changed and my doubt stopped me from getting what I was before and that was an abundance of sales.
So when you set an intention and want to manifest it, you need to believe as if this was the only outcome that WILL happen. There should be no other plans.
Intention should be use in combination with passion to receive the best manifesting results!
Intend your manifestations with passion. Shout them out imagine your feelings once it is achieved!! You must stay amped and excited despite what you see on the outside...
There is s phrase. It is darkest just before dawn, this phrase has save me so many times.
I have had instances where I was starting to feel worry creep in from no sign of my manifestation. These times are hard ( well there not, do not think they are hard ) you have to grab faith from inside and see with it, rather than looking around. Remember that when it seems to be the darkest and there looks to be no hope, you know your manifestation is so close! I will tell you another story how this has happened to me.
My husband and I work from home and make money solely from our online business we make very good money from this. But where a few times in the past where we have had to spend all our money on certain things ( hey it happens right) We where flat broke and our electric bill was due to paid that day or it would be turned off. These are the times you have to dig for that faith because those are the times you seriously want to panic....Well this day I decided not panic, I couldn't panic if I did I would ruin it. So I went on with my day as usual and acted as if nothing was going ( because there really wasn't, unless I wanted to intend something to be) it was around 4pm and I remember thinking ,"this day is almost over."I remember the doubt wanted to come in and I said "NO!" and I went on I choose to take my attention off of it and put it on something I really loved which is my work and painting. As I was painting I thought" it is always darkest before the dawn!" I was so excited this little statement had renewed my faith and confirmed that it would happen. I kid you not, 10 minutes later we made a big sale. Enough to cover the bill and then some! It was the most amazing thing and things like this happen ALL the time.
Remember that you are meant to thrive and be abundant and to never worry, but it all starts with you NOT WORRYING! This is why I think it is so important to be mentally prepared for manifesting. You must know all the details so you are not in the dark, so if you have not read the LAW OF ATTRACTION 101, PART 1 and PART 2 you should do this now!!
Here is a free wallpaper to inspire and motivate you! Feel free to share it!
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