Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Law of Attraction 101 Part 2: Making the law work for you

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed part 1 of Law of Attraction 101, if you have not read it yet and would like to you can read it here. If you have read it and our ready for the rest then hold on to your socks, you should be able to manifest ANYTHING after you read this!

In the first part we talked about getting your mind ready and sending out those good vibes to make the perfect manifesting conditions. The reason why this is so important is because, you will not manifest ANYTHING you want if you are negative, have a bad attitude or on giving off a bad vibe. I have recently talked to a women that told me that law did not work for her and she hated it. She went on to explain to me that the law actually worked opposite on her. I pondered this for a while because I was perplexed as to why she would be getting NO results at all. After talking with her a few days I explained to her what I had learned and how and what the law had done for me. I have had ups and downs with it but I have truly manifested amazing things and do all the time. The only time I wasn't manifesting what I wanted was when I wasn't in a good mood, or happy. The reason we get in a bad mood is because you are not believing in goodness for yourself and when you are not believing in goodness then you are doubting and therefore resisting your manifestation. So back to this woman I was talking to, it hit me that she was trying to hard. Yes I said it, she is trying to hard. She had been working overtime and stressing herself out to get what she wanted and it was sending her exactly what she was putting out a frantic overwhelmed vibe. This is easy to do we find something that works and we want to overdue it because we have a lot of things that need attention in our lives. But what you gotta to realize is we are meant to be happy and relax and you actually receive more and easier when you are happy and carefree.

You see our natural state as human beings believe it or not is to be receiving goodness ,happiness and blessings all the time. The only reason we don't receive these things is because we don't believe we deserve or can have this.  I bet you are reading this right now and thinking, there is no way our natural state is good! But it is! Everything that you ever needed and wanted is constantly flowing to you. But you say no to it every time you doubt  it. When we have bills to pay and we worry about paying them, we resist them being paid naturally. When you worry about your bills you attract something to worry about and that is no money to pay your bills. As silly as all this sounds the more carefree you are the more good you receive. When you are carefree, you are in a state of happiness and receiving all good things. When you are happy and carefree the law brings just that, more things to make you happy and carefree. So as I said in the last post we must be mentally ready to manifest, if not, you are setting yourself up to be really upset. I would make sure that you are 100% in a good mood and feeling great when you are manifesting anything!

Moving right along....

So the most fun part of the whole process is you getting to decide what you want to manifest. I have heard it described as shopping from the universal catalog! So you really want to take some time for this and I am sure you have a few things on your list ready to go, But you really need to stop and think about this.  So now that you are ready to manifest make a list of what you are wanting to manifest. In this list pick a few things to start with, that way you are not overwhelming yourself because you need to be giving your full attention to these items. You also need to be as detailed as possible. I don't know how many times I have started manifesting something and been in limbo as I call it for months waiting. I thought the universe was taking it's sweet time when it was really me taking my time deciding.
To give a better example:
I had been growing my business for 6 months it was doing well, then all sudden things started happening, sales went down and I was overwhelmed. I got really upset wondering what was going on when I realized, that I had started a few weeks earlier developing a back up plan if my business goes where to go down. I wasn't all the way in thinking this but it would pop in my head a few times a day and the effects where starting to show in my business. I was attracting a business that was starting to fail because I was planning for a business that may fail.
Please Listen carefully! I said I was planning for it to fail. This is where we make a huge mistake, but we are inclined to do this because society trains us this way and that is to have a back-up plan, something just in case. Well the law has no back up, it is black and white. When you are unsure of something or planning something you will get just that. Do not manifest a business if you DO NOT believe in it. You will plan for failure and get failure.
Now you have your list and your details, say you want a successful business, you need to write down everything you want out of this business and then STICK to it. If you stick to it and stay with it you will manifest it so fast and easy! When you start to doubt you are going to watch what your manifestation slowly exit stage right....

So here is the easy part...Manifest!! I think everyone has there way they manifest I will give you how I do it because I know it works

I want to say to start, the best time it manifest is first thing in the morning right after you wake up and right before you go to sleep. These times are perfect because your mind is not fully awake and going 1000 miles an hour to get in the way. You are wanting little to no mind chatter so it can sink back into your subconscious and come into your life!

Step1:  Go sit or lay somewhere comfortable and quiet.
Step2: Lay there and relax, you may meditate or just get into a very sleepy state.
Step3: After you are relaxed and sleepy and your mind is not racing you can start to
think about what you want to manifest.
Manifesting process, you need state to the universe that you already have what you are manifesting...
say it is the business you are manifesting you would say:

Thank you so much for my successful business that brings me so much joy happiness and money to take care of my family.

Step4: Visualize what this would look like,
maybe you see yourself looking at a ton of orders for your business or imagine your bank account and all the money that is in it. You need to feel the excitement and the joy that this business will bring to you.
~ The universe does not communicate like we do, it communicates through our thoughts and feelings, it gives according to how we feel. So if we in vision a successful business and we are passionate about it the universe returns that to us exactly.
Step5: Thank the universe for all you have and will have! Get up and go on with your day and LET GO!!

Step 4 is so important as well...I keep saying everything is so important because it all works together perfectly and one thing can't work with out the other.

LETTING GO!!!! You must release the manifestation and let it go before it can come back to you in your reality. Letting go is forgetting about it completely, as easy as that sounds. You don't know how many times and how many people complain about having trouble letting go. When we are excited about something we keep thinking about it and thinking about when and how it will come to us. Don't do this after you first manifesting session try to totally forget about it for several hours or longer if you can. When it does pop back up into your head instead of thinking about when and how it will happen, think about it as you are already grateful it is here or on it's way. Say something like,
Thank you so much for bringing me ______________ desire!
Be excited knowing it is coming to you!!! That is the only way it will come..

I think I said in part 1 but I am saying it again, you need to tell yourself how easy all this is and how fast you are manifesting and catching on. This will seriously help! Don't start off thinking this is hard and I will never get this be motivational for yourself you have to. Everything I am telling you is EVERYTHING you need to know to manifest if you can read this and get it you will have no problems, unless you have already decided that it won't work.

People don't understand that they are getting what they want, but what you want has changed into something you are actually settling for. This is something else society does to us, they teach us to settle because most of the population does not get to live out there dreams and desires, so it is easy to look with our eyes and see that people don't get a lot. So we then say well at least we have this, or at least we have that....I am not trying to say that is a bad thing but we did SETTLE into this and we are getting EXATLY what we signed up for. I believe we may all have our thresholds on the settling part, some may not accept anything less than an $150,000 year job, while others can sink as low as being homeless. It all depends what your comfort level is and how BAD you want a change. People who achieve things, do because of the law and because they where so passionate about having it.

I want to talk about passion for a minute, I feel like when we are children we have so many dreams and desires and over time we lose them because we are taught that we need to be realistic and to be responsible. We loose the childlike faith and hope and in essence the passion for what we loved so much. You can still manifest something with out a burning desire for it but I think the more passion you have the stronger your vibration for this, the faster it will come about. If you think about something you want and really think about what it means to you, you can start to rekindle that burning desire inside. Then you got the fuel for the fire to really get your manifestation in motion.

So I think I covered most of it... I will sum it up really quick again so you can remember it a little easier.
1. Be mentally ready to manifest do what it takes to make the perfect soil for reaping what you have sowed!
2. Make a list, check it twice :) Make sure you stick to what you want and believe in it, details are your friend.
3. MANIFEST!! 15 mins a day a day! Morning and night
3.Let GO and let God as they say. Do not dwell on the details let the universe do what it does best!
4. Be grateful for knowing that you WILL get what you are manifesting!!

My goal with this post is to reach out and offer all the information needed for you start changing your life. I am going make some worksheets and I am even working on a downloadable manifesting calendar that will help you organize your thoughts and keep you in the good vibe!

I also started a facebook group, it is a private group but if you have questions about anything or need any help that would be the best way for me to talk with you, I would like to be able to help others in there life with any questions whether it be spiritual or just life in general questions. Comment, email me and let me know if you would like to join.

Ok I think that is it!!! I hope you enjoyed this post more to come!!!
Be blessed and enjoy your life!!

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