Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Attention: reality creation

We are always focused on something home, work or sometimes we can be found daydreaming about where we would like to be. But everyday all day other than in sleep or if you practice meditation our minds are always thinking of something.
You may have heard that where attention goes energy flows...it is most definitely true.
But sometimes it seem to be something difficult to understand. I focus on $500 and it does not appear in front of me but, I do however focus on an upcoming bill and it is there that day.
Why is this and what determines how fast it shows up?? Attention definitely is a key for creating but I think there is more than just focusing on something a few times a day to get it to show up in our lives.

Concentration of the mental powers upon an object; a close or careful observing or listening.

When we we put attention on something we direct all our energy to it but the outcome is situation is not by what you are thinking but by what you are feeling. 
Your feelings are what super charge your energy. Say we focus on that $500 dollars again, I visualize and think about it all day. If I feel that this is a something that is almost impossible or this is something difficult then I am just pushing this money away.
This is where beliefs come in. Deep down we all have programing and beliefs that have been there most of our lives. We can determine our beliefs by what situations happening in our lives a lot.
Say we seem to attract the same sort of situations over and over again. This is much more than thoughts interfering this would be a core belief that is overriding everything.

Why does this override happen?
When we are living on autopilot, in habits and not doing anything to remain conscious we will always go back to old programing and beliefs. Do you react the same way when someone gets upset with you, to later think about it and say ,I really should have said x?

Attention is extremely important but we are not going to get much out of it until we have fixed those core beliefs. .

Be the observer...
Something that I have learned recently and has really helped me in so many ways, is to be the observer.  I observe my thoughts before I become emotionally involved with them. I act as if I am watching over them constantly then, I choose what I want to give energy to.  This puts you back in control of your life. You are no longer having to wonder what will show up in your experience you are creating it. 
When you are observing you also lose judgment, there is no reason to judge what you don't want it would be useless to you. Judging causes us to become emotionally involved in something and actually allows it into our existence. Even thought we dislike it the thought of judgement holds energy and tells the universe to bring it into our world.What we fight we make bigger, what we resist always comes back into our lives.

Rule of 51%:
You goal as the observer is to choose thoughts you want, and think and attend to them at least 51% of the time. This guarantees there creation! So if you do happen to go into autopilot again, don't fret just make your "wanting thoughts" more than your "unwanted thoughts."

The more you think it the faster it comes??
Yes and no! You do want to supercharge those "wanted thoughts" with a lot of good energy. But do not mistake it for wanting and yearning for something.
When you are feeling lack and want, this tells the universe to give you more lack.
So make sure your thoughts are corresponding with this. It is almost a catch 22 type of thing because, you are having to feel like you have something you don't have. But, you really do have it already you just don't believe it yet. We all have everything we desire and want, we cannot desire something that we don't already have. 
Staying in a good vibe is the way to make this easier. Try to fill your time and mind with things you enjoy keeping you in a vibe of happiness and abundance.

So remember and try this for conscious reality creation:
Observe your thoughts choose only the ones you want to show up in your reality. Put attention on the thoughts you want to create and energize with emotions. 

More on reality creation soon! Try this and let me know what you think!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The power of words Part 2

This new topic has struck something in me, something that makes so much sense to me. I can see why and where I have gone wrong and why and where I am exactly where I am in the this moment.
I want to emphasize the importance of this because this is something that we use more carelessly than anything in our lives. We speak so unconsciously, so much so we sometimes we don't even remember what we just said. This has got to stop if you want to change your life. If you want to see some true change you must be AWARE of what you are saying.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.   John 1:1 

Read this verse carefully if you are familiar with the bible or have been to church this is popular verse used but I think the meaning has been overlooked. "and the Word was God"
 Our words are GOD.

Definition of God:the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.  John 1: 14

 Another verse from john read carefully..."The word became FLESH!"

 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33:9

God spoke the world into existence.

So what we say and speak turns into flesh! We have to watch we listen to, what we hear, what we read. When we receive information we become it. LITERALLY! Look at this.....Mirror neurons

So if you decide to read a book about how when you eat meat it makes you unhealthy...GUESS WHAT! You will notice you will start to feel guilty when you eat meat, then you will start to feel ill and soon enough your reality is, meat makes you unhealthy! 

All you need to know is that you are ALWAYS CREATING YOUR REALITY, There are no rules or limitations and beliefs other than that ONES THAT YOU HAVE PUT THERE or LISTENED TO!

Wipe the slate clean start over and CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD! 

With this new Revelation I think I am done reading for a while, unless it is something that I want to put in to my life.  I want to take time to re-create my world and the best place to start is in yourself. 
Meditate, get to know yourself quite listening to others and letting them create your reality.

Your life is your STORY, you write it!

Enjoy and be free!!

**I wanted to add this, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks or really what you think, there is no debating this merely what do you want, make a decision and speak it into existence.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The POWER of words!

Ok I just posted a video that talked about the magical power of words. We have all talked about that thoughts become things but, watching this video has given me new insight to this whole idea. I recently did a post also on the Idol words, that you can read here. To give you a quick lesson Idol words are words that you say that have no meaning to you. We actually do this a lot, we have pointless meaningless conversations just to talk sometimes. The thing is our words are never actually meaningless they always hold a value. The video is really interesting because it explains that words are a kind of spell we use to create our realities...hence "spelling". I am not much for conspiracies right now. I don't like to focus on anything negative but there are many words that we use with out even knowing, that have a different meaning or words we are using with out thinking and causing ourselves unwanted grief. If our energy expands with our attention and we are speaking how we do not feel good, we are expanding the fact that we don't feel good,thus making it worse.

So I have created a new personal goal in learning all this. first I want to watch what I say and second replace old words that have lower vibrational frequencies with words that have high vibrational frequencies and to see how it impacts my life.....I went in search for a list of words, and this is what I found!

Awareness, Abundant, Acceptance, Adept, Awaken, Alertness
Blessed, Being, Beauty, Balance, Belonging
Creative, Clarity, Caring, Committed, Compassion, Conscious, Contentment, Connection, Collective, Centered, Courage, Choice, Conviction
Discernment, Divinity
Essence, Eternal, Enthusiastic, Effortless, Evolve, Ease, Embrace, Expanding, Empower
Flow, Forgiveness, Focus
Grace, Graceful, Gratitude, Giving, Guidance, Greatness, Growth, Generosity, Grounded
Harmony, Heart, Heart-Centered
Inspired, Intent, Intuitive, Integrity
Love, Light
Mindful, Manifestation, Masterhood
Open, Oneness
Power, Peaceful, Positive, Play
Radiant, Release, Receptivity
Strong, Serene, Self-love, Supportive, Surrender, Strength
Tolerant, Tranquil, Truth, Transform, Trust
Vision, Vulnerability (see Comments below), Voice, Visceral
Will, Wisdom, Wholeness, Worthy

Now the list can always grow but this it a place to start! I hope you enjoy and I hope you will join me in a change in what we say to change our lives!

Made ya think! Watch this awesome video!

A must watch video to make you think about what you say!! Love this guy!

XOXO~ Shana

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Is this world paradise or hell??

Depending who you are talking to and you ask, ""Is this world a paradise or Hell on earth?" You will get many different responses. I will say that majority who are in a fight for survival would say that it is hell....What do you think??

This world is setup perfectly, it is what we make of it that determines what it becomes. We have talked about creation but, I think of this world as an already perfect art gallery displaying various backgrounds for us to choose. To break it all down our world is setup for us to survive and thrive. If you watch nature and how she works she always produces an OVER abundance of everything. We plant a seed and the plant that grows bears enough to feed a family and give some away. Most the time some of our produce goes bad because we have so much. Plants, trees flowers they produce hundreds maybe even thousands of seeds in the spring time. We have an unlimited supplys of oxygen all around us. Water flows from the streams and we have oceans and rivers that seem endless. Our resources to survive are infinite! But yet when it comes to money it seems to stop. We feel there is lack in the supply? Is there? We are told by the world that there is limited supplies of everything, this causes us to panic and think that we must fight for what little we have. This is all false, if we can just look at nature for a while and see how abundant it is we will see that this world is what we make it and whatever we need will be provided.

Something I have learned is that I am everything I will ever need! All those things I think that I need out there in the "world" only ever comes from inside me.  If you realize this then you are master of your own life. If you are conscious of your thoughts because they become your reality, then you can stop worrying about what is going on out there. As long as you can change what you are thinking and believing about yourself then you know that everything else will change with you.
We are not victims we are creators of our lives and even though it seems like a huge responsibility, it is also a HUGE weight off because, your only job is your thoughts, ever! All you have to do is believe, focus and think about what you want and the world will paint that in for you. Easy right!

So with all that said the question that asked is actually 2 sided and both are correct. We can be living in our own hell, I have before, and we can change it and make paradise. I do believe that are natural state is paradise, we just decide we want to leave the garden sometimes. Once again just because we aren't aware of it doesn't mean it is not there. We just have to open our eyes and shine the light on what appears to be dark.


Saturday, January 11, 2014


Proverbs 6:9
How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?

What does this quote mean? No I am not going to be talking about the bible, but I do believe the bible is full of truth and knowledge…Why do I not like using the bible so much?? Because it has been turned into a BRAND, a brand for Christianity. Too many opinions and judgements have turned a wonderful book into something fought. But I love this verse and wanted to share it and, thought it appropriate and I would use it.

Being asleep I refer to this auto-pilot that must of us are on in this life. I am not sure if it is a conspiracy or if we have just become mentally lazy…either way that is unimportant at this point. The important part is that we should be AWARE!

I have been on a  kick here for the last week with consciousness. Because, I have learned it is the key component in creating our reality…. and the reality is there is no set reality, we are creating reality constantly.

When we are reality creating asleep we are kinda going with whatever comes our way. We have no real direction and we have no confidence in anything. We don't fight for much because if we do and lose it then what is the point. We accept the reality of being poor, sad and miserable is a good thing and some how tote that around gladly with a smile. We condemn everyone because we can't really handle ourselves. Our entire life is a constant battle against a world that was created by our own fears. We truly become our own worst enemy and it is very sad.

con·scious  (knshs)adj.1.a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.

sleep 1:a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

Day by day we wake-up and get out of bed and start our morning routine….I will stop there.
We all have a morning routine, it is something that is rarely deviated from because it is a habit.

hab·it  (hbt)n.a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition

( I will stop there for a moment, I said early that I thought the bible was a brand. What is a brand? It is when you see something and atomically relate it to something….kinda like a habit;)

You are probably wondering why I am throwing definitions at you. I wanted you to first see the correlation between the word conscious and sleep, and why the bible and the quote above refers to you being asleep. There is not much difference between being unconscious and being asleep. Both refer to you NOT BEING CONSCIOUS.

So with that being said and back to your now morning habit…and how it refers to you doing it unconsciously. So if I where to ask you if you thought you where awake or asleep when preforming these morning routines, what would you think?

Next lets look at your day( mine to, I am also learning) Do you go to work? Most people do something during the day even if it is not work it is something that is done as a habit. Most the time  we are only truly conscious when something rocks our emotions in some way. But other than that some things we have come to except and they fall into the auto pilot mode. I do believe that our relationships turn into habits also. I think this maybe the reason why men/women cheat. They want something that makes them feel alive or awake. That is not really important either and also just a theory.

To wake up we need to find ways to be in each moment of our day. We need to be aware of the thoughts that come into our head and the things that surround us. When we wake up to this we start to notice things that where there the whole time. It is the same concept as with perception, our perception is what we make it and what we know.

Have you ever known someone you thought you really didn't like. Then one day you end up talking with them and find out that they are pretty awesome and end up becoming really good friends. Just because we aren't aware the person is likable doesn't mean that really aren't it just means we where asleep to it.Our judgements are limited and only apply to ourselves and, that is because we have a limited point of view. When you break judgement down this way it really means that you are lacking in information or truth.( and judgement is when you think you know what is best for someone, or better than someone)

So back to being awake. We are programmed to unconsciously unfold each day and then these days turn into our lives. A lot of older people look back and regret not doing something in there lifetime. Over the years they actually do start to wake up and see that there was really nothing to be afraid of, and having tried, would have been better than playing it safe for a lifetime. What waste.

Why is all this so important? Because I struggled for so long manifesting, I would manifest great things and then turn around to another part of my life that was falling apart. I was so confused why is this was happening?

 It is because I was only awake partially.

I do understand that these negative things occur to show us where we need to be aware of . It is hard to monitor every single thought, but if you do this for a day or so,as much as you can you will be able to see why things are the way they are in your life.

I had a negative view about my business. It was something that I became totally obviously to. I started to accept that this is just how things where suppose to be and thought I was doomed to an eternity of pissed off customers and fighting paypal:)

I have spent many days thinking and wondering why a customer would get so upset with me, I was so confused? Then I started to realize that I made this situation, because I had also had very lovely nice customers as well. Why did I believe they where like this??
Well because I had one negative incident that I never fixed. I never realized that I attracted and created these outcomes and they kept coming back because I kept believing the same thing unconsciously, I branded my customers!  It took me almost a YEAR to figure this out…

You know when something feels like fear, you can feel it. Take a day and consciously go over your thoughts as you move through out your day. See how you feel and react to everything almost like you are an observer to it all. Take no judgements on yourself or others this is for learning purposes. Once you are aware of what you are thinking then you can go into fix mode. You can clear all these negative thoughts and beliefs by introducing positive thoughts. Being conscious is the only way you can do this. That means taking back your mind! Our minds wander very easy because that is what they where programmed to do, but with a little effort a few days things become well, a habit:)

Remeber you are in control of your entire life, everything that is in it you have attracted and it is not a matter of blaming yourself or anyone it is simply changing your thoughts and being aware of your thoughts. BE AWAKE to your life. You might as well be while you are here right!

Tips for staying conscious:
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Intend to be "more conscious"
  • Always tell the truth
  • Concsciously think/choose/create your decision
  • Write new beliefs to repeat to yourself
  • practice self control/instead of out of control
  • Look for things to always be grateful for
  • Be positive
  • stop judging
  • Bless things that happen/look for the joy in each thing
  • Just breath
  • Listen more than you talk

I hope you all enjoyed this post, from my soul to yours:))
XOXO~ Shana

Settling is unsettling

I was reading an article from the mind your reality blog and something about blog post got me thinking about how we can create our realities. Yes, we talk about this a lot but, I don't know why this made me realize that, I am still settling for so much crap in my life. If our thoughts become our realities says quantum psychics, we are either creating consciously or unconsciously. Meaning whether we like it or not we are getting what he think and believe.  I realized there where some things in my life that I was still trying to battle outside instead of focusing my attention on what I want, and letting the universe fix it. Some of these battles included people who I had negative feelings towards. I realized today that I put those people there( my thoughts created them) and if we are all one then I am just hating and being negative to myself. Also with in all this I realized (again) the more you focus your attention on something the more energy you feed it and it grows bigger. I heard someone say the other day that our lives are a reflection of our mind and when we look into the mirror if we want the reflection to smile we have to smile first.

My last post was on being conscious and I think this is a key role in our reality creation, we cannot except to create what we want if we can't even be aware. There are so many parts of our days that we do with out thinking because they have become a habit. We have to start at the beginning when we first wake up to be able to set in motion change. This is only because from the moment we wake up we are set into autopilot, the very first thing we do triggers us to do what we do, the rest of the day.

We have control of our entire reality and we do not have to settle for any part we do not like. We don't have to get mad at it and tell it to leave just simply focus on what we want. We also have to quite getting caught up into what is negative because this allows it to fester more and as irresponsible as this sounds, you must learn to ignore it. As bad as it may look and as much attention as it may look like it needs do you think worrying about it will fix it?? No absolutely not.

I will be honest this post was probably mainly for myself, but I am in hopes that it helps someone else as well. They say we teach what we need to hear the most and for me it is true 100% of the time:)

Enjoy the rest of your days! Wake up tomorrow and lets really WAKE UP!
